Celestial Grace Temple Presents - The Historic Biblical Art Gallery


We offer you this unique photo gallery which has been designed to provide a visual depiction of biblical events described throughout the Bible. Within the Old and New Testaments, there are 1,189 chapters containing hundreds of stories describing historical biblical events. Each image in the gallery delivers a visual representation of an activity or place that is textually described within the Bibles’ 31,173 verses.

There are many amazing scenes that bring to life a clear depiction of biblical history. If you have studied the Bible, you will begin to recognize specific images that directly relate to well-known biblical content. For most people, many of the gallery images will be seen for the first time.

All gallery images have been configured into high resolution format for maximum viewing quality. Please note that many of the photos are very revealing and can invoke an emotional reaction. As with many Fine Art and Museum paintings, there are some images that contain violence associated with war and others that contain partial nudity.

Art Logo

It is recommended that young children should view this gallery with the guidance of a parent or an adult that is familiar with blblical content.

The gallery contains 250 high resolution images that display in a phasing, slide-show method. Each image displays for 7 seconds. You can pause the sliding movement by placing the mouse pointer over any image, then by moving the pointer off the image, the sliding movement will resume.

It will take approximately 30 minutes to view the entire gallery.

In addition, the gallery contains background music which automatically beings to play shortly after the gallery side-show starts. There is a small music player control panel that displays directly under the images that will allow you to turn the music off or on, and control the volume.

Also, you should adjust your browser’s screen zoom setting to allow the gallery images to display at full-screen view size.   The larger the screen size, the more vivid the images will be.

May the Grace of God be with you always.