Can God Save a Marriage?                                                                  Video Streaming Bottom of Page

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One of the greatest gifts from God to mankind is the holy sanctification of marriage; the vows and love shared between two people and God’s blessing over it.

Sadly, however, there is nothing on earth that is more attacked than the sanctity of a marriage.

How many people in your life have you met or known that has only been married one time? If you can count them up to the number of fingers on your hands, it would be a miracle.

The amount of pain, suffering, mistrust, bitterness, resentment, anger and despair that is caused from marital problems and divorce is so enormous, if you tried to measure it, it would stretch into infinity.


Millions of people throughout the entire world are affected by marital problems, and millions of children are also affected by it, and most important, God is affected by it as well.

The fact is, God feels the painful emotions being generated by every person on earth that is suffering from marital problems or going through a divorce. Can you imagine having to continually endure and bear that much pain yourself?

It is vitally important for us as human beings, to try and reduce the amount of worldwide suffering caused from marital problems and to provide God some relief from the amount of pain He feels that is being generated from the multitude of people struggling through marital adversity.

When marriages come under attack, and the marriage partners begin to generate negative emotions and ill will towards each other, they need help and guidance as quickly as they can receive it.

It is important to remember that love only comes from God. A couple will graciously accept the love that God gave them, to bind them together, but then after they marry, they fail to keep God involved in their marriage. Without the presents of God in the marriage, the love and the marriage cannot endure.

In any marriage, no matter how severe the problems might seem to be, the marriage can be nurtured and saved. However, the only way to save a marriage is through God, because only God has the ability to bring clarity to each person’s mind and remove their anger, frustration, mental anguish, emotional pain and the distrust that has developed between them, and to restore the love between them.

To accomplish this, at least one of the marriage partners must begin to open their heart to God and trust in Him. Its much better if both partners can do it, however, if one can do it, then God can move in the other partner's heart and mind.

Celestial Grace Temple offers a movie video titled FireProof that will bring understanding on how to save a marriage. It is an amazing movie and even if you are not married you should watch it.

In today’s world most everyone has a friend or acquaintance that is going through marriage difficulties or possible divorce proceedings. If you have awareness of this website and this movie, you can advise them to watch it.

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Fireproof The Movie

I have personally witnessed the amazing effects this movie can have on people who are going through marriage difficulties. I believe that God uses this movie as a guidance tool to help people overcome their marital struggles.

I have seen people which after viewing the movie, open their heart to God and allowed Him to save their marriage.

The movie is about 90 minutes long, just click on the play button that is displayed in the video player window on this web page; you will have the option to select full size screen viewing should you desire. Please note, a high speed DSL internet connection is recommended for viewing this video to avoid intermittent pauses when streaming.

In addition, if you email Celestial Grace Temple at: Save a Marriage, and give us the first names of the two marriage partners that are suffering in their marriage, we will pray for them. Prayer is a powerful force and prayer by itself can sometimes save a marriage.

May the grace of God be upon you always,

Pastor Andy Anderson

Celestial Grace Ministry