God Our Creator           Understanding Prayer, and How To Pray

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The first and most important thing to understand about prayer is that it is a direct acknowledgment to God that you believe in Him, and have faith in Him.

Prayer is an unrestricted, unfiltered open portal of communication to God and its important to realize that God receives and hears all prayers.

God is omnipresent and His spirit dwells in all living things. Therefore, every human being alive has the spirit of God dwelling within them. This enables God to hear your words and thoughts, feel your emotions, know your needs and desires and witness every act that you do during your entire life.

When God created man, He crafted his body from the dust of Earth. He also created an eternal soul for man which He crafted out of celestial photonic energy. He then joined the man’s body and soul together, put his living spiritual energy into the soul of man, and man became a living spiritual human being.

God’s most precious creation is mankind, He created human beings in His own image, meaning that He gave them, consciousness, awareness, senses, intellect, discernment, emotions, feelings and freedom of thought and action. He gave all human beings the ability to learn, to store information in their brain, to have memory and to evolve intellectually in wisdom, and above all, He gave humans the ability to give, receive and feel love.

God also gave man the ability to communicate with Him directly through prayer.


The word prayer or prārthanā (in Sanskrut) is derived from two words ‘pra’ and ‘artha’, meaning pleading fervently. In other words, it is stating or asking God for something with intense yearning.

Prayer includes respect, love, pleading, giving thanks, and faith.

Remember that God gave you your life, your body, mind, and soul, and He protects you daily from dangers that you are not aware of, that you cannot see, and does this without the asking.

When praying, one should focus their thoughts and emotions directly on God, and remember that God and Jesus Christ are together as one. When possible, pray in a private quiet area, and try to visualize God in your mind's eye.

Prayer to God can be done orally with voice, telepathically with thoughts and emotionally with feelings.

When praying orally, speak to God in private, use a low, gentle toned voice and speak to Him as if He were another person standing in front of you.

Tell God that you want to learn to love Him with all your mind, heart and soul, and to reveal Himself to you. Ask for His direction and guidance in your life and give thanks for all the unseen things He does for you every day. Ask Him for healing if you have an illness, and with humility, ask Him for your earthly pleas and desires.


Prayer or spiritual meditation can also cleanse and purify your inner being, just as water can cleanse and purify your outer flesh body.

Therefore, ask God to forgive you of your sins and weaknesses, to give you strength to overcome immoral temptations, to remove anxieties from your thoughts, remove stress from your emotions, cleanse your soul of impurities and make your inner body healthy, clean and fresh.

God loves every human being He creates, and He wants every one of them to live a safe, wonderful, exciting and joyful life.

He gives each person the opportunity to achieve these precious gifts in life through freedom of thought, action and growth in wisdom, and offers His guidance through prayer so that this can be accomplished.

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Jesus Teaches How To Pray

The power of God is great, the power of prayer is great, and the power of faith brings them both together.

With God, anything is possible, and with faith nothing is impossible.

May the grace of God be upon you always --- Amen.

Pastor Andy Anderson
Celestial Grace Ministry